Friday, March 22, 2013

The Fourth Series... and pigs.

We are the 4th Series of Zumbuddies.
Zoza, Zehe, Zahara, Zeta, Zann, and Zreth.
This pig collection lives in our basement... we decided to pose with them because we're the coolest series.
Can I have my grapes back now?
Okay, obviously everyone wants a chance at the keyboard... sorry about that little ourburst.
We are the last Series of Zumbuddies that Ganz/Webkinz created.
... but that doesn't mean we're the last Zumbuddies ever made... *raises eyebrow*
(To be continued...)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Third Series

Hi all!
Zap and Zala here, introducing the Third Series of Zumbuddies.
The Zippy Zum is (me) Zap
The Bratty Zum is Zorth
The Peeking Zum (hi!) is Zala
The Lazy Zum is Zeb
The Tricky Zum is Zaza
The Giggly Zum is Zavi
In case you haven't been told before... each of us has our own special power... each individual Zumbuddy's power is based on the mark they have on their belly. (or head, like in my (Zap's) case)
Actually there is a lot more to Zumbuddies than meets the eye... that's what this blog is here for: to show you all of the cool stuff about us.
So subscribe or something... whatever you humans do to keep up with the hottest new things. 'Cause we're hot baby... we're hot.
~ Zap Zala

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Our apologies...

Hello readers, Zed here,

Firstly, we’d like to apologize for our lack of posting over the last week. We have been working to resolve a hacking issue that came up almost as soon as we started this blog.

Which brings me to our “Secondly”

Our blog was hacked by none other than the infamous Zlock brudahood.
We have shied away from introducing them before now because of their erratic behavior. But, we have apprehended the culprits and they are now in custody awaiting a trial by Zum Jury.


Oddly enough, the culprits were apprehended by one of their own. An officer by the name of Little Zlock. We are indebted to his services, and thankful that he is keeping our basement (and blog) safe at all costs.
Again, we apologize for the shock and confusion these Zlocks have caused, and hope that you will continue to read this blog regardless of their faults.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Second Series

Introducing…The Second Series of Zumbuddies! Zoro, Zami, Zip, Zane, Zype, and Zuzu.
You may be (but are probably not) wondering why we are all different colors.
Well that has to do with our Zum Type. Zum Types are different personalities within each Series.
There are 6 Zum Types – Zippy, Bratty, PeekingLazy, Tricky, and Giggly.
Each of these types is defined by certain colors and sometimes facial expressions and wings.

Zippy Zums are Red
Bratty Zums are Orange (with a mask over both eyes and 4 wings)
Peeking Zums are Yellow (with one eye always colored)
Lazy Zums are Blue (with sleepy eyes)

Tricky Zums are Purple (with eyebrows and 4 wings)
Giggly Zums are Pink (with a open/smile mouth and eyebrows)
In every Series there is one of each of Type of Zumbuddy
There are 4 Series total, and therefore 4 of each Zum Type.
I hope that explains a little more why we look different, but similar. I know, hard concept to grasp.
- Zed

Friday, March 8, 2013

More about us...

Zed and Zana asked us to introduce ourselves...
but Zool is too shy and Zoola doesn't talk much, so I (Zalo) have undertaken the task.
We are three of the First Series Zumbuddies, just like Zed and Zana.
We are stuffed toys made by Ganz.
Originally we were made to be pets for the Webkinz pets... but here in the Routhier basement, we are not treated like pets. We are honored citizens of the basement. I would even go so far as to say that we are respected above the regular Webkinz pets.
As you will soon see, we are quite a large group, but we will introduce ourselves individually so as not to overwhelm you.
So please enjoy meeting each of us, and learning more about the world of Zumbuddies.
 Zoola would like to leave you with these words... "Thhbbppttttt"

Thursday, March 7, 2013

What is a Zumbuddy?


My name is Zed, and this is Zana.
We are Zumbuddies.
We are bug-like creatures with huge heads and bean-filled bellies. (And not just because we are particularly fond of burritos)
We live in the world of Zumwhere. (AKA: The Routhier's basement. (Although we sometimes venture upstairs for burritos (see above) and pie))
Our hope is that you will enjoy reading this Zumblog (that's what we do, we put "Zum" in front of things to make them possesive of Zumbuddies) and further your knowledge of Zumbuddies.