Thursday, April 18, 2013

Zlock Restaurant

Recently, the Zlocks (who were eventually released from Zum Prison) have taken to cooking… so much so that they’ve started their very own restaurant…
Messed Up Zlock serves the food.
Martian Zlock and Fruitcake Zlock do the cooking.
Somebody is stealing from the kitchen....
Giant Zlock and Manatee Zlock help out in the pantry.
Little Zlock is SUPPOSED to be washing dishes...
Apparently he missed the memo.
Eugenie Zlock tests the ice cream before the guests eat it, to make sure it's up to par.
Depressed Zlock likes to sleep in the oven...

But somehow they keep the guests satisfied.

 We'll see how long they stay in business...



Monday, April 1, 2013

A Birthday Celebration

Saturday the 23rd marked a very important birthday of one of our owners.
David is now 12 years of age.
Some of us Zums gathered to celebrate this momentous occasion…

We all watched him open his gifts...

Woo hoo! A new animal to ride on!

Oh no... two... more... Zlocks...  O_O

Meet Lumpy Zlock...

... and Pancake Zlock.
The Zlock Bwudduhood... including the two newest members.
All in all it was a nice celebration.
-- Zed